DB/SSP Curriculum

The curriculum text “Providing and Receiving Support Services: Comprehensive Training for DeafBlind Persons and Their Support Service Providers” is a free download available in four formats. The regular print version is tagged for accessibility. Please use this version if you will be using assistive technology, such as a screen reader, to view the curriculum.

Why two sections (A and B) in the curriculum itself?

First, it is important to understand that Sections A and B of the curriculum for DB people are essentially the same, but were developed with two different audiences in mind.

  • Section A was developed with DB people in mind who are accustomed to using touch to communicate and to gather information from the environment, but who may not be familiar with the role of an SSP; indeed they may have been encouraged to depend on others to do things and to make decisions for them, rather than doing so independently with the support of SSPs.

  • Section B was developed for DB people who still have useful vision or hearing and have been accustomed to getting by using these fading senses. They may need encouragement to understand how much more information they can gather if they supplement their vision/hearing with touch and information from an SSP while retaining their independence.

Supporting Materials

There are three types of materials developed as a support to the curriculum: PowerPoint Presentations, Videos, and Translator’s Notes. They are to be used flexibly by instructors; please pick and choose what you find useful.

PowerPoint Presentations

Videos & Translator’s Notes

  • Videos – All videos are presented in sign language with written transcripts in English in regular print, large print, and Braille (grades one and two). This page may require an extra minute to completely load.

The videos and readings, unlike the PowerPoint presentations, are not designed specifically for specific lessons in each of the modules, but are supportive material. We suggest that both new SSPs and DB participants view the interviews of DB consumers after their first module and that teachers view the videos prior to beginning to plan their lessons.

We hope that having pictures and video demonstrations and interviews (as well as their descriptions) will help in explaining the content of the curriculum.

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Background Information | Phase I | Phase II
SSP/DB Program Principals