SSP Program

(Transcript for the SSP Program video by Jessica Phillips)

Hello, my name is Jessica Philips. I am an SSP Coordinator here at DBSC. I am here to explain more about the SSP program. What does SSP stand for? Support Service Provider. SSP is a trained sighted person. What does SSP do? They have two main roles: 1) Guidance 2) Visual Information.  Back to 1) Guide. SSP is paired with a DeafBlind person to accompany them by going to places of their choices. 2) Visual Information. SSP provides environmental information to DeafBlind person of what has surrounded them or provide a visual description of things such as clothing and more.   A DeafBlind person can use SSP for the errands, food shopping, bank, post office, medical appointment, or other daily errands. They can also use SSP to assist them with reading mail, accompany them to social events, going to the gym to exercise, or out for a walk as part of self-care practice.   It has been beneficial for DeafBlind individuals to be able to use SSP to help with being empowered, independent and boost their confidence to lead a happier lives.

Support Service Provider (SSP) Program

 Do you:

  • Have both vision and hearing loss?

  • Struggle with your basic needs such as food shopping and doing errands?

  • Live in an area that has limited public transportation?

  • Want to shop for gifts without your friends or family members with you?

  • Want to go to social events?

  • Want to go to the gym to work out or go for a walk?

  • Need support going to your medical appointments?

If you answer yes to the above, you may be eligible to receive SSP services from us.

 The DeafBlind Service Center’s SSP program which gets funds from the state through the Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing and provides DeafBlind (DB) individuals in WA state the opportunity to do things independently with trained SSPs giving support by driving the DB to places, guiding them when walking, and giving visual/environmental information. 

 This can include:

  • Grocery shopping and errands

  • Medical Appointments

  • Basic banking or self-care

  • Material reading

  • Drop off/pick up at the airport

If you need SSP services or have questions about the SSP program, contact Jessica Phillips, SSP Coordinator at:

Email:  ~ VP: 206-452-0062


The Service Support Program (SSP) Program began in 1986 as one of our key programs. Through the years it has become our signature service because it provides for access to many inaccessible resources in the community, as well as practical support for deafblind people. SSPs are contracted to provide visual and environmental information on a regular basis so that deafblind people can retain their independence.

What is an SSP?

Support Service Providers, or SSPs, are trained, sighted guides, and providers of visual and environmental information. This information enables deafblind people make informed decisions and allows them to participate in the wider (mainstream) community. Typical activities include: grocery shopping, reading mail, simple banking, running errands, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through activities such as exercising, going for walks, etc.

SSPs may be hearing, deaf, or hard of hearing. They must be familiar with a wide range of communication modes and techniques used by deafblind people, including American Sign Language.

SSPs are not interpreters. Communication assistance often occurs for short exchanges, but this assistance is limited. SSPs do not facilitate communication for important transactions such as the translation of a lease, a medical appointment, or the discussion prior to making a large-purchase; this would require a professional interpreter. The emphasis of SSP work is on visual and environmental (not verbal) information. DBSC recruits SSP’s for both paid and volunteer activities.

Paid Contractors

SSP’s are not employees of DBSC. They are paid, independent contractors who commit to provide SSP services to a deafblind individual on a regular monthly schedule. SSPs are paid an hourly rate by DBSC for these services. Gas/mileage, entrance fees, and parking fees are paid by the deafblind person. Deafblind individuals who qualify for SSP services receive a set amount of hours each month for SSP services.


Volunteer SSPs are used for all kinds of DBSC-sponsored recreational activities, including the annual DBSC picnic and fundraising events. SSPs sometimes volunteer for social purposes, such as chatting, playing games, or trying out a new restaurant. This may be a regularly scheduled event or a one-time agreement for special occassions.


DBSC offers various workshops for SSPs such as:

  • DeafBlind Orientation

  • DeafBlind Culture

  • Communication Modes

  • Guiding Techniques

  • Empowerment/Boundaries

  • Being an Ally

We encourage people who are interested in becoming SSPs to begin as volunteers in order to become more familiar with the necessary skills before starting more complicated, paid work.

For more information on about this program, please contact SSP Program Coordinator, Jessica Phillips, at: