The DeafBlind Service Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization funded through government contracts, grants, individual donations, and charitable bequests. We depend upon public support to continue our work. You can help! Making a donation through our secure server is fast and easy and is tax deductible. Thank you for your support!
Donate Online through:
- PayPal
- Independent Charities of America – Please Note: This is a nonprofit service that processes our credit card transactions. “GIVEDIRECT” is the name that will appear on your credit card statement – not DBSC. Using a 3rd party helps us keep our costs low and allows us to spend more time and money on our programs!
Or you can mail your donation to:
1620 18th Avenue, Suite #200
Seattle, WA 98122
Companies with Employee Matching Programs:
- Seattle Foundation
- Microsoft Matching through payroll deduction for Microsoft employees. Microsoft matches employee nonprofit donations and volunteering year round up to $15,000 per employee. Microsoft also helps employees find nonprofits that best match their volunteering skills and interests with our own in-house volunteering tool. It adds up to a very real impact on local communities near and far — and an enduring giving culture that stems directly from our mission as a company: to help people realize their full potential, in everything they do.
- Starbucks Foundation matching through payroll deduction. The Starbucks Foundation also supports our partners’ (employees) engagement in their local community through Partner Match and Community Service Grants. These programs provide matching grants to nonprofits where our partners’ made personal monetary and time contributions. By working together, we can help create positive change and make communities thrive.
- AmazonSmile: If you shop, try AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is part of The difference is when customers shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organization selected by the customer. When first visiting AmazonSmile, customers are prompted to select a charitable organization. After selecting their favorite organizations customers may browse or shop at AmazonSmile. There is no cost to the charitable organizations or to the customers and AmazonSmile does not deduct any fees from the donation amount. So visit AmazonSmile, select DBSC as your charity, and have fun shopping!